Problem Hierarki Kebutuhan pada Tokoh Oba Yozo dalam Novel Ningen Shikkaku Karya Osamu Dazai


  • Ilham Rabbani Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Hatindriya Hangganararas Universitas Gadjah Mada

Kata Kunci:

Ningen Shikkaku, Osamu Dazai, the hierarchy of needs, Abraham Maslow, neurotic-needs


Ningen Shikkaku is a novel by Osamu Dazai, then translated into Bahasa Indonesia as Gagal Menjadi Manusia, and tells about inner conflict experienced by the main character Oba Yozo. He is described as always having difficulty when it comes to judging the good or bad or the immorality of the actions he takes. It can be assumed these conditions occur because, in his life, there are complicated problems in fulfilling a number of basic-needs and meta-needs. This research will answer a question: How is the problem of hierarchy of needs experienced by Oba Yozo’s character which leads him to attempt to fulfill neurotic-needs? This research uses the theory of humanistic psychology developed by Abraham Maslow. The method of this research is qualitative-descriptive. The results of this study are, although although Oba Yozo's physiological needs fulfilled, a serious problem is how fulfilling  safety-needs because he was a victim of father superiority and sexual harassment by housekeeper. The trauma becomes an obstacle to the fulfillment of other needs such as the need for love and self-esteem from the environment, because he becomes cynical, anxious, and afraid of every human being, including himself. It is the problem of the hierarchy of needs that does not allow Yozo to self-actualize, so that his life journey actually leads to the fulfillment of neurotic needs such as alcohol consumption, free sex, morphine, the estuary of which is a feeling of despair and repeated suicide attempts


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