
  • Amelia Sompotan Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Ferdy Dj Rorong Universitas Negeri Manado
  • Helena M. L Pandi Universitas Negeri Manado

Kata Kunci:

Phonology, language, Japan, singing


Abstract—In people's lives, singing has an important role. Singing can cause someone to feel happy, sad, angry, and also excited. The unity of good lyrics and combination of tones creates a very comfortable harmony to be heard. Song as a means of self-expression to convey a message in the form of life values is universal or cross-cultural. This can also be seen from the strong influence of songs from a colonial country, which once colonized a nation embedded firmly in the minds of the colonists, even passed down from generation to generation to be sung in certain events. t was realized, that singing is very influential on the human soul. That is why, it cannot be denied, that during the Japanese occupation, singing has become a very effective propaganda tool. Songs are taught through the power of listening to the lyrical sounds over and over again. The study will be directed at two aspects, namely, the aspects of song lyrics that still persist, and the pronunciation aspects remaining in the memory  of  the  respondent  until  now.  Listen  to  the  sound  of  song  lyrics  related  to phonological levels. Phonology studies, analyzes, and discusses collections of language sounds.  A song lyrics if studied properly will prove the cultural defenses experienced by a group of people as part of its life journey. The lyrics of the song can also convey negative and positive impressions and messages from life experiences that do experience periods of colonialism that leave a meaningful history of life that can also be an education and teaching material to the next generation, especially language learning, which in this case the development of teaching Japanese at Manado State University especially in the Japanese phonetic field.


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